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Network Security

IPv4 to IPv6 Migration

IPv4 is the numbering or addressing system that has been used on the internet since 1981. In simple terms, nobody imagined how big the internet would become, and IPv4 was built too small. It will soon run out of numbers.

Because of this IPv6 was developed. It has a vastly larger address space. The catch is that to fully migrate to IPv6 all equipment - every PC, every switch, and every router - needs to support IPv6.

There will also be a transitional phase where many devices will support both IPv4 and IPv6.

So what does all this mean to you?

Once all the IPv4 addresses have been exhausted, new servers will be forced to be on IPv6 addresses. If your equipment does not support IPv6 you will not be able to reach these new servers.

In addition, as the ISPs such as Comcast and AT&T change over to IPv6 you will be required to support it simply to connect to the internet.

The good news is that all Juniper Networks equipment supports both IPv4 and IPv6, but they do need to be configured correctly for IPv6 and dual stack IPv4/IPv6 operation.

This is an issue that we will all have to address. Perhaps this is the right time to take care of two issues at once; your network security needs, and your migration to IPv6.


Juniper Networks

Trained Juniper Engineer