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Custom Software

Example of 80X86 Assembler Code

The following example shows the typical structure of the software that I write, and the level of commenting present:

;***		   INTERFACE ROUTINES		    ***
Read_Char	PROC			;read char from input buffer
;Entry: CL = port number
;Exit:	AL = char (z set if none)
	push	cx			;preserve registers
	push	bx
	cmp	cl,0			;only port 0 allowed
	jz	rc_1
	_Int_Error	03301h		;invalid port number
rc_1:	mov	al,Rx_InPtr
	sub	al,Rx_OutPtr		;inptr - outptr = num. chars
	jz	rc_zex			;if zero exit
	push	ax			;save inptr - outptr
	mov	bl,Rx_OutPtr
	mov	bh,0
	add	bx,OFFSET Rx_Buf	;point to char
	mov	al,[bx] 		;get char
	inc	Rx_OutPtr		;inc outptr
	mov	ah,Control
	shl	ah,1
	shl	ah,1			;7/8 bits now in bit 7
	and	ah,10000000b		;mask lower bits
	or	ah,01111111b		;set to 1's
	and	al,ah			;combine with char
	mov	ch,al			;temp save char
	pop	ax			;recover inptr - outptr
	dec	al			;adjust
	cmp	al,MARGIN_LOW
	jc	rc_hsk			;hsk needs to be turned on
rc_ex:	or	al,0FFh 		;reset z
	mov	al,ch			;get char back
	pop	bx			;recover registers
	pop	cx
rc_zex: xor	al,al			;set z
	pop	bx			;recover registers
	pop	cx
rc_hsk: 				;turn data back on
					;don't use ch (char)
	mov	al,In_Hsk		;get hsk
	and	al,al
	jz	rc_ex			;hsk already 'go' - exit
	mov	In_Hsk,GO		;set to 'go'
	test	Control,00010000b	;parallel / serial ?
	jnz	rc_par
rc_ser: test	Control,00000100b
	jz	rc_rts			;non xon hsk
	test	Control,00000010b
	jz	rc_xdup 		;xon, duplex
					;xon, input
	mov	al,XON
	mov	dx,COM1_DATA
	out	dx,al			;send xon
	jmp	SHORT rc_ex		;exit
rc_xdup:				;xon, duplex
	cli				;must not have ptrs change
	mov	dx,COM1_LSR
	in	al,dx
	and	al,00100000b		;Tx holding reg empty
	jz	rc_xdup1
	mov	al,XON			;empty
	mov	dx,COM1_DATA
	out	dx,al			;send xon
	sti				;int ok
	jmp	SHORT rc_ex		;exit
	dec	Tx_OutPtr		;insert char at end of buffer
	mov	bl,Tx_OutPtr
	mov	bh,0
	add	bx,OFFSET Tx_Buf
	mov	BYTE PTR [bx],XON	;xon at end of buffer
	sti				;int ok
	jmp	SHORT rc_ex		;exit
rc_rts: mov	dx,COM1_MCR
	in	al,dx			;read MCR current
	or	al,00000011b		;set RTS, DTR on
	out	dx,al
	jmp	SHORT rc_ex		;exit
rc_par: _Int_Error	03302h		;parallel not supported
Read_Char	ENDP

