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Steven J. Bell, President

Hi. I'm Steve Bell, and this is my website.

I run a small business specializing in network security, secure business services hosting, custom equipment, and custom software development.

As a "hands on" engineer, originally trained by the New Zealand government's Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, I love working directly with my clients both here in the United States and around the world.

Whether I'm providing you with a secure business hosting solution for your company, securing your network with best-in-class equipment from Juniper Networks, or providing you some sort of custom hardware or software solution, I can guarantee you'll be happy with the results.

After all, you'll be dealing directly with me, and not some faceless corporation.

So take a look around my website, and if there's something I can help you with just let me know.

Juniper Networks

Trained Juniper Engineer

Asterisk Open Source PBX Solutions

Open Source PBX Solutions


My Servers run Linux

AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

Member of the
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association